Free Feisty CDs!

While you can request free Feisty Fawn CDs from Canonical via the ShipIt program, I don't recommend that you do.

Oh, I know it's cool to get free CDs and all (in a nice cardboard case, to boot!) but think about it: shipping CDs costs money, and that money is better used to pay developers or ship CDs to those who really need it.

There are other reasons, too:

1) Getting the CDs via snail mail will take a relatively long time, as opposed to just downloading it.

2) You might still end up paying for some customs tax at the post office anyway. The tax you pay might not be much, but compare its costs against a couple of blank CDs.

If you can get it over Internet, get it over Internet.

You'll still might chance upon an original packaging of the CD if you meet up with your local community. If you do get a lot, make sure you give it away to people who need it.

Free Feisty CDs (Really!)
But since Ubuntu has been so good to me, I want to pay the favor forward. I am proposing to give out free Feisty CDs for people in the Philippines who don't have quick access to broadband.

If you're from Davao or Dumaguete, drop me a note and I'll tell you when and where you can get your CD. Limit one per person or organization.

If you're from elsewhere in the provinces (excluding, of course, Manila and Cebu), leave your mailing address in the comment box below and I'll send you two CDs by courier. Since I'm nowhere near as moneyed as Mark Shuttleworth, I'll have to limit my offer to the first five (leaving only four as Dave Asuncion has already posted his request).

The CDs won't be anything fancy, most likely just purchased from CD-R King, hand-scrawled with felt-tip marker, and slipped into cheap envelopes. But they should work.

Last two conditions: (1) burn and redistribute to friends; and (2) buy me a beer when we meet.

Fair enough?